Do you drink alcohol, take drugs or gamble?
Could it be damaging your performance at work
or harming your relationships?
CHANGE with CADAS will provide
immediate - confidential - bespoke
support and help you take control.
CHANGE is an on-demand, paid for service.
Why choose CHANGE?
There is no waiting list
1-1 support with your own expert, qualified coach
Support can be accessed from anywhere
We are experienced - we helped over 500 people in 2024
We never divulge anything you tell us, unless legally forced to do so
When you pay for CHANGE you will fund addiction support for at least two people who cannot pay
We call your support 'coaching' because it helps you become a
better version of yourself.​​​​
To act now, there are three options:
Complete a form by clicking HERE
Send an email to: info@changewithcadas.com
CHANGE ethos and values
"Recovery is about progress not perfection"
At CHANGE, we will never judge you
We don’t require people to give up using altogether if that’s not what they want to do
We will never try to force you into any belief system
What we do is based on listening, not lecturing.
We support anyone who feels their addiction or substance use is problematic
We focus on the reduction of harm to themselves or others
We believe everyone is capable of change
If you decide you want to CHANGE, we will help you find what you want and help you achieve it

How do we help?
We help people of all ages from all backgrounds.
We help you find a safer, healthier way of living that positively impacts you and the people who matter.
We do this by listening and asking questions to find out:
how you are
what you would like to achieve
how and when you would like to do that
You and your coach will make a plan and help you stick to it.
Approximately 85% of our clients say that they experience significant improvement in their lives, relationships and mental health when their programme is complete.